Morphological characteristics and expression of adhesion markers in cells of low differentiated endometrial carcinoma
CD24, CD44, cytoarchitectonics of tumors, E-cadherin, endometrioid endometrial carcinoma, invasion, proliferation index, vimentin, β-cateninAbstract
Summary. The aim of the study was to evaluate the morphological features of endometrioid carcinoma of the endometrium (ECE) of low differentiation grade with different invasive potential and to characterize their molecular phenotype by the expression of a number of adhesion markers. Materials and Methods: We have studied the samples of operation material of 37 patients with ECE of low differentiation grade with deep invasion (> ½ myometrium), n = 26, and with invasion < ½ myometrium, n = 11, with the use of morphological and immunohistochemical methods, and flow cytometry. Results: In the morphological study of tumors with deep invasion in the myometrium, we have detected pronounced structural heterogeneity, which became the basis for the discretion of two groups of tumors with different characteristics of morphological phenotypes. In the majority of cases, solid layers and glandular-like structures are detected, and the similarity of the tumor epithelium with the elements of the endometrium is completely lost. In such tumors high expression of adhesion molecules – E-cadherin, CD44, CD24, and β-catenin and low expression of the marker of mesenchymal tissues — vimentin were determined. Other tumors were characterized by morphological features of the epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), with the decrease of the expression of E-cadherin, β-catenin, CD24, CD44, and a significant increase in vimentin expression in comparison with these indices in tumors without signs of EMT. In ECEs that invade < ½ myometrium, the morphological indices of malignancy were less pronounced, which was associated by the changes in the expression of the molecular markers. Conclusion: This comprehensive study has established associations between the morphological heterogeneity of ECE and the expression of adhesion markers and vimentin, which is important for understanding the mechanisms of tumor cell migration.
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