endometrioid carcinoma of endometrium, miRNA-185-5p and miRNA-424-5p expression, peripheral blood serum, relapsesAbstract
Aim. To compare the expression of miRNA-185-5p and miRNA-424-5p in tumor cells and peripheral blood serum (PBS) of patients with endometrioid carcinoma of the endometrium (ECE) and to evaluate the significance of these biomarkers in cancer progression. Materials and Methods. The study was conducted on the samples of peripheral blood serum (PBS) and tumor tissue of 58 patients with stage I ECE using clinical and morphological methods and real-time polymerase chain reaction. Results. A significant increase in the levels of circulating and tumor-associated miRNA-424-5p was established in ECE patients with a history of recurrences compared to patients without recurrences. To the contrary, the expression level of miRNA-185-5p increased in the PBS and decreased in the tumor tissue of ECE patients with recurrences compared to the patients without recurrence. In addition, we revealed that the expression levels of the studied miRNAs were associated with the differentiation grade and degree of tumor invasion. We established that miRNA-424-5p levels in PBS could serve as the most significant indicator for predicting the occurrence of recurrence in patients with ECE (AUC = 0.991; Sp 94.0%; Se 99.9%). Conclusions. The expression features of miRNA-185-5p and miRNA-424-5p in the PBS and tumor tissue of patients with ECE are associated with the aggressiveness of cancer course and the risk of recurrence.
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