radiation-induced carcinogenesis, irradiation, radiation therapy, ionizing radiationAbstract
The widespread introduction of nuclear technologies in industry, medicine, science, etc. increases the number of professionals subjected to additional radiation exposure. Moreover, the problem of occupational cancer is the most complicated in occupational pathology due to the multifactorial nature of the etiology of this disease. The radiation accidents in Chornobyl and Fukushima-1 showed that nuclear reactors cannot guarantee absolutely safe operation. At present, the threat of nuclear terrorism is increasing. Occupational radiation exposure and its consequences are also of great concern worldwide. Based on the literature data and our own studies on the effects of various types of radiation exposure, especially stochastic effects of radiation, it seems reasonable to develop a scientific basis for the optimization of radiation protection of various categories of population, first of all, medical personnel and patients. The complex assessment of radiation risks and reconstruction of the total ionizing radiation dose from all types of irradiation will allow optimizing radiation protection of the population and reducing carcinogenic risk..
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Submitted: June 1, 2023
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