Expression pattern of MRPS18 family genes in malignantly transformed b-cells


  • L. Kovalevska R.E. Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology
  • E. Kashuba R.E. Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology



B-cell lymphomas, Burkitt lymphoma., expression pattern, lymphoblastoid cell line, MRPS18 family, MRPS18-1, MRPS18-2, MRPS18-3


Summary. Aim: To compare expression patterns of proteins of a family of mitochondrial ribosomal protein S18 (MRPS18) in tumor cell lines of the B-cell origin. Materials and Methods: The study has been performed on different subsets of tonsil B-cells and tumor cell lines of the B-cell origin using quantitative polymerase chain reaction analysis, western blot analysis, immunohistochemistry, bioinformatic analysis of the publicly available data bases on expression. Results: We have found that genes of the MRPS18 family (1–3) show different expression patterns in tumor cell lines of the B-cell origin. The highest levels of expression were shown for MRPS18-3, the lowest — for MRPS18-1. MRPS18-2 was expressed at the highest levels in germinal center cells, Burkitt lymphoma and Hodgkin lymphoma cell lines. At the protein levels, MRPS18-2 showed the highest expression in Burkitt lymphoma and B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia cell lines. In lymphoblastoid cell lines, and in germinal center B-cells MRPS18-2 levels were somewhat lower, but higher than in memory and plasma B-cells. Conclusions: The differential expression pattern of the MRPS18 family proteins suggests that they play various roles in cellular processes.


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How to Cite

Kovalevska, L., & Kashuba, E. (2023). Expression pattern of MRPS18 family genes in malignantly transformed b-cells. Experimental Oncology, 42(4), 295–299.



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